World Famous Fast food Brands in Kyiv

Фаст-фуд в Киеве

When it comes to fast food, many foreign visitors to Kyiv incline to recognizable brands. There are not so many of them in the capital of Ukraine. Where to eat in Kyiv? Here are a few international restaurant chains for those who prefer well known to local flavor.



This is the first international restaurant chain, which appeared in Ukraine. The first place was opened in 1997. Until now, this brand remains the most popular and recognizable in the fast food segment. The number of visitors has long exceeded 100 million per year. By the way, nine Ukrainian McDonald's entered the top 100 most visited establishments of the chain around the world. In some restaurants, for example, at the central train station at peak times, huge queues form and it can be difficult to find a free table.



Want some healty chicken in Kyiv? Go to KFC! This is the world's second largest fast food chain after McDonald's. Chicken from Kentucky reached Ukraine only in 2012. Since the opening of the first restaurant in Ocean Plaza on Lybids’ka Square, this brand has been quite popular among Ukrainians to this day. As in the eponymous restaurants all over the world, here you can taste chicken dishes, including meat in the branded breading, invented by the founder of the chain, Harland Sanders.

Domino’s Pizza

Domino's Pizza

Where to go in Kyiv if you want some carbonara or margarita? In Ukraine, you will not find the largest pizza chain – Pizza Hut. Instead, Domino’s Pizza is represented here. The first restaurant of this brand was opened in 2010 in Podil. Now by the number of points the chain is leading among other pizzerias in the city. Currently, there are 27 Domino’s Pizzas in Kyiv.



Restaurant confectionery Paul is an international French bakery located in 30 countries of the world. Traditionally, the interior is quite stylish. The walls are decorated with black and white photographs depicting the process of baking bread. In the interior, black and white tiles, wood textures and warm beige shades are used. The menu offers popular dishes of French and European cuisine. In fact, all sorts of flour are delivered straight from France.



This is another world-famous bakery from the USA. As the name suggests, cinnamon is quite important there. The fact is that the founder of the chain set a goal to bake the most delicious cinnamon roll in the world. Since then, this ingredient – one of the main on the menu of this restaurant. Among other Kyiv fastfood restauranst this one is probably the most flavored.


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