Vitaly Opanasyuk, a BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) entrepreneur, was the integrator of this meeting, inviting representatives of IT market, developers, potential investors and Crypto enthusiasts.Vladimir Liulka got his Master Degree in Computer Science (Cybernetics) at Kyiv National University. He used to work in different C-Level roles at software development enterprises since 2005. Vladimir is a serial IT-entrepreneur with a strong background in Blockchain and Data Analytics domains. At the moment, Vladimir is actively engaged in attracting investment for the IT education in Ukraine and is the director of the BrainBasket fund.
Initial Coin Offering has experienced its ups and downs, and the investment market to date is not as simple as many would have liked. Investors are extremely cautious about investing their crypto currency in any projects. How to recognize whether a project is reliable, what to look for in an analysis, which ICOs are knowingly losing and which ones you can legitimately trust, how to avoid a scam and HYIP, and what are the future prospects for crypto-currency transactions? These topics were discussed at this meeting.
At the end of the meeting, all participants exchanged business contacts and had an opportunity to learn more about ICO in further personal communication.
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