What can Kyivstar offer such businesses from its arsenal of digital tools?
1. Mobile app m-Agri
It is designed for small farmers offering the latest industry news, knowledge base, weather, market prices, exchange rates, plant and pest guide, it makes possible to contact experts by means of "Smart Assistant" service. In future releases of the app it is planned to extend functionality of the weather module, to include insurance and financial services (in particular, application for loans), to launch a digital marketplace, etc. Also, m-Agri can be useful for large agricultural companies as a tool of communication with communities: holders of land shares, suppliers, vendors and local communities.
2. М2М (maсhine-to-maсhine)
Control over the movement of machinery and fuel consumption, receiving of data from field sensors and monitoring of meters readings – this is just a small list of useful reports you may obtain from machine-to-machine communication. The additional advantage is the M2M platform, which allows the users to configure business rules and integrate with digital maps.
3. Star.Docs, Cloud, Mobile ID
With Star.Docs farmers can replace paper documents with fast electronic document flow. Here you can create, send and receive documents just in few seconds, even on your smartphone, collaborate and discuss the content online, store all files in a secure cloud storage or digital media, and all this 24/7.
With Mobile ID, remote signing of documents becomes not only possible, but also safe thanks to digital signatures stored on the SIM card in your phone. In addition to that, with Mobile ID you can receive electronic services from state agencies without the need to visit them physically. The list of providers, including commercial ones, is constantly expanding as well as the list of electronic services.
4. Customer relationship management services
One of the most common convergent services is Virtual mobile PBX, which operates both with landline and mobile phone numbers and with СRM systems. They can be used either standalone or in combination. The result: no calls missed, call tracking to check performance of marketing campaigns, sales control and quick access to the history of communications with each customer.
5. Big Data
Working with big data helps businesses better understand and interact with their customers. You can make analytical reports and identify the best places to locate points of sale, make targeted offers to your customers and use scoring to evaluate solvency of your customers or to id fraudsters.
Business development starts with a desire to change something for the better. With TOP-5 solutions from Kyivstar, you can improve your business processes that are still distracting you from the development of the business you love. Just think of it, and Kyivstar will take care of the digital transformation of your business.