For the purposes of AgroDestinations, I would like to focus on Argentina, a huge country, which is very similar to Ukraine, especially in terms of the structure of agriculture. Geographical diversity and rich natural deposits here ensure favorable conditions for agricultural development. Just like Ukraine, Argentina is rich in exceptionally fertile soil, especially suitable for grain crops and cattle farming, thus giving it an important market advantage. Argentina was the first Latin American country to create a potent industry. The processing sector accounts for a significant share of the country's economy, generating 20% of its GDP. Agriculture is also a key sector of the economy. There are huge agricultural companies ensuring around 40% of the country's exports.
Argentina is one of the world's leading producers of sunflower oil, soya, honey, lemons and beef. Unlike other countries in Latin America, its agriculture fully meets the country's demand for food as well as exports its output abroad. In terms of food consumption per capita, it is ahead of other countries in the region, while Argentinians eat more meat than residents of developed countries. Unfortunately, despite its strong achievements, including in agriculture, the country has been suffering from inflation and defaults over the past century. In 2001, Argentina emerged out of the economic crisis and took a path of relatively sustainable development. Relative is a keyword, I would say.
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The country has a vast territory, a lot of land and big population but without proper value-based care, populism is thriving. Unfortunately, this reminded me of the situation in Ukraine nowadays. Certainly, the ExpoAgro 2018 conference had industry-specific discussions about agriculture, but I lacked a bigger picture and development solutions. For example, I was struck by the diversity of new technologies used in agricultural machinery in Argentina but most local manufacturers have no idea how to enter the European (including Ukrainian) market…
Read: Ukraine Must Become an Agrarian Superstate
People in both Argentina and Ukraine hope and long for changes. However, in Singapore, where everything is very pragmatic, all solutions are results-oriented. Do and act now instead of just dreaming. Both Argentina and Ukraine are promising countries, which need to act more and hope less. They need to take up the slack and tighten responsibility in life and in business, respect themselves and those around them.
Author: Vladyslava Rutytska.
Photos provided by Vladyslava Rutytska,
Vladyslava Rutytska Talks About Agriculture in Argentina

Vladyslava Rutytska, a member of the National Reform Council, vice president at SigmaBleyzer Investment Group and AgroGeneration has recently visited two beautiful countries – the legendary city-state of Singapore, where she attended an international conference, and Argentina, which hosted Latin America's largest agrarian forum. The agriculture specialist explains features of the industry she witnessed herself.