The history of Mercury Trade has just begun — it was created a little more than a year ago. But the creation of a company under this brand is the final step of a painstaking work: finding, teaching and uniting professionals from different sectors of agriculture into an effective professional team, which is essentially the most valuable asset in any company. But even in this short period of time, Mercury Trade managed to gain recognition and customer loyalty in different parts of Ukraine.
Official distributors of famous brands like AgLeader (USA), the company offers a large spectrum of solutions for automatization of precision farming. Modern technologies they cater simplify decision-making in agriculture, allowing to raise crop and fertilization efficiency and reduce the operating hours. Besides, Mercury Trade offers solutions for unifying already installed agricultural navigation devices into a single information system for better productivity.
Read: Big Change in Agrarian Technologies
The secret of high efficiency are GPS systems for automatic control of agricultural machinery. For instance, cutting-edge technology of precision farming makes double cultivation of the same area with fertilizers, seeds, and soil cultivators impossible. As a result, cost of fertilizers, herbicides and seeds decreases, while the quality of soil cultivation steadily improves. The company caters various systems and services, to name but a few: automatic driving systems with electric and hydraulic control, automatic seed drill control systems like ISOBUS, and automatic spray control and water management systems. Besides, Mercury Trade offers consultation services on the introduction of precision farming systems in business, repairs, and training of operators, agronomists and engineers.
According to the company’s CEO, Maksym Ripniy, their goal is to provide the needs of Ukrainian agrarian sector with innovative systems of precision farming and comprehensive services with technical support for the client.
Maksym also shares his bright vision of future: «In 5 years I want to see my company as one of the main innovators in agriculture. Together with our American partners, we are preparing to launch a pilot project to implement water management technology. It will help farmers to successfully and efficiently use land that is now marshy or contains saturated groundwater.
We constantly learn about the latest technologies and implement them into practice. My team and I see the future Ukraine as an agrarian and technological state, which will be able to implement technologies and create own technological products that will be recognized internationally with the help of our infinite creativity and intellectual potential».
Read: Ukraine Must Become an Agrarian Superstate
Photo source: All images belong to their rightful authors.
Mercury Trade: Ukrainian Precision Farming

Precision farming is gaining wide popularity in agriculture all over the world. Ukraine follows the trend by implementing cutting-edge technologies that allow farmers to raise productivity, at the same time easing decision making. We talked to Maksym Ripniy, CEO of Mercury Trade, to find out more about his business and Ukraine’s potential in precision farming.